Thursday, October 8, 2009

"The Road to Love"

Personally I did not enjoy the movie. The lighting was worse than home movies my parents have, and the fact that I had to read subtitles due to the language being spoken was a huge turn off. I had difficulty understanding what was happening in the movie if I wanted to watch the scene I had no idea what they were talking about and if I wanted to know what was being said I would miss what was happening in the body language.

I do not feel as though I know enough about Arabic culture to be able to take that step towards understanding their acceptance of homosexuality. And for this reason the movie did not hold my interest. Personally I think that a personal life should be just that, personal. I do not enjoy seeing a homosexual couple be intimate with each other just as much as I do not enjoy seeing a heterosexual couple being intimate. Thus this film made me a little uncomfortable. Furthermore, I was thrown off by the nudity, which is another belief I have, our bodies should be kept hidden for our eyes and our partner’s eyes alone. When nudity came on the screen I had to look towards the ceiling and again missed what the people on screen were saying.

For the reasons I have just given I do not feel like I have acquired any knowledge and did not retain any information. This film bored me.


  1. Seeing the PDA was absolutely disturbing.. man and woman or man and man.. PDA is not an appealing thing to see either way. I completely agree with your post agreeing that the video made me extremely uncomfortable.

  2. You presented your opinions in a thoughtful way. Not everyone will agree on everything that goes on in class, but to be able to present an opposing opinion with reasoning shows maturity. Good job sticking with your beliefs and presenting your argument.

  3. Yes, I agree- the nudity was a huge turn-off. I too wish that it had not been shown in the movie, because it was not needed. It made me uncomfortable as well, and hindered me from thinking deeper on the issue, because I was focused on the ceiling and missed much of the dialogue!

  4. I am glad you all have expressed this concern. What do you think should have been, or should be in future, the role of the professor in this circumstance?

    (Andrew did tell me that there was some nudity but that it was "very minor." I had not seen the film before it was shown in class. I was told that we would be watching a different film and it was only at the last minute changed.)
