Thursday, October 15, 2009

Out Side Reading 2

For about two weeks I have been trying to read my second outside reading book and have only gone through ten pages. I originally picked this book because I thought it would be interesting to see an Iraqi’s point of view on the war, but what I didn’t know was that I probably should have been on top of the news before I started reading. Because I do not follow the news I do not know about most of the people and events that this girl talks about in her blog. The book is Baghdad Burning by Riverbend. Another problem I have with this book is it is less about Iraq and instead she complains about people who comment on her blog and disagree with her. I am going to continue to try to slosh through this book but I wouldn’t recommend it unless you keep up with the news and do not mind complaints and rants.


  1. Yeah, I know what you mean... it is hard to read a book that is mostly someone else's opinions, when you were expecting it to be a story! I hope it gets better for you!

  2. Hey, don't sweat it. It took me a couple days to actually pick up my book when I finally got it. I'm sure it'll pick up though!
