Wednesday, September 9, 2009

09/09/09: Introduction


My name is Molly White and for my first blog I thought I would start out by telling you a little about myself, just so that I could get a hang of blogging and so I could possibly meet a few people. I am a freshman and an English major who plans on becoming a Dance minor and possibly adding Sociology as a double major.

Dance is my first love but every one knows there is little to no money to be made in that industry so I have fallen back on my second love, books. As of right now the career path that I am strongly considering is being a Librarian. Surrounding myself with one of my passions for a career sounds superb. Along with working with books and studies, I would enjoy working with young children teaching them classes and showing them the joys of reading, much like the classes taught at the Portage Public Library on weekends and during the summer.

I have always loved the subject of English but never so much the grammar side, instead I have always had a fondness for reading and I often enjoy writing, but not enough to make a career out of it. I do enjoy discussions on books and their themes and often I would lead in class discussions throughout High School. However, I know very little about the Middle East and its culture so I feel a little wary about how useful my analytical skills will be for Dr. Webb’s class. Despite my lack of knowledge in this field I am excited to learn and to research all that I am able.

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