Friday, September 11, 2009

Hollywood: Because we feel that Arab people are so different they deserve to die.

Hollywood, for at least 100 years, has been portraying Arab people as sub-human, worthless, and incompetent. And though I am completely disgusted with the fact that nearly 25% of Hollywood movies have racial slurs against Arabs and Muslims, I do not believe that every one of those movies is meant to attack those people. We, as a country, went to war in Iraq in March of 2003, which has ultimately increased the speed in which our country is becoming racist against Arab people, but even so was the war not made more acceptable to the general public because of the stereotypes we have been exposed to from the time we were beginning to climb out of our cribs? I believe that some of the movies created in collaboration with the department of defense are meant to rally support for the troops who are over seas or who have toured with the military, though the trials have been skewed in the favor of the American soldiers. Despite the few movies that may be geared to supporting the American troops, I cannot get the image of Nazi propaganda out of my head when a Palestinian character is thrown into a movie where it has no real reason to be in such movie or movies. It has been an eye opener to learn that the country I live in is creating propaganda much like that of the Nazi regime. How can the United States of America support such violence toward a people like such when we worked so rigorously to bring down the terror of Nazi Germany; a terror that many are still overcoming?

There are some forms of media in which support for American troops can be rallied and then there are those where my faith in this country falters. Images of troops posing with naked Arab men hanging by their wrists or thrown into piles as if they are autumn leaves makes me cringe, and these are supposed to be the men and women who are supposed to be "protecting our freedom?" Those images coupled with country leaders who merely state that it is just like a high school or college party makes me fear for those who are ignorant enough to trust those leaders and defenders of our country. I do not believe that this movie, “Reel Bad Arabs” showed enough images of people who have overcome these horrible stereotypes, not everyone in American is so ignorant to believe that all people are bad who come from Arabland. Even I, who knows next to nothing about the middle east, know that an entire people can not be based on the actions of one radical group; just because PETA is in existence, does not mean that all of the United States throws red paint on those who wear fur. The clips of comedy shown in this film I thought were hysterical, and do not feel horrible for laughing at these jokes. I believe that those who laugh at these jokes are the ones who understand that these stereotypes have gone too far and have lasted for far too long. In fact I am laughing at those people who fear Muslims when they walk into an airport.

1 comment:

  1. The connection you make with NAZI images is disturbing, but I think the word "propaganda" makes a strong link. When these films depicting Arabs are called "propaganda" it makes one start asking some interesting questions, such as who and why and what is being covered up?
